Hello! Ten years ago I met this guy, and never in my wildest dreams did I think we would end up married, with a family, living on a farm, building our dream, running a small business through Etsy, but we are. And we did. 

Life is funny like that. It likes to change on you, throw curve balls, and even wrenches in your plans. For instance, 4 years ago. That is when things really started changing. We had been living with my mom for the past year and a half and we were finally where we could move out on our own. So my mother in law found this little house way out in the country, with some acreage. It was “ok”, it would do until we could find a house we really loved. 

But in fact, I had little to no interest in living on a farm, regardless of growing up in the country. I had recently finished cosmetology school and was on my way to building a strong clientele with a good reputation for my skills. Until I wasn’t. I will skip all the details, but ended up staying home for a while. That’s when the money got tight. I NEEDED to find a job, so I did. 

But what else could we do to save the money we had worked so hard for? That’s when my love for gardening began. I started researching, and watching countless YouTube videos and setting goals for this new acreage that had been so poorly maintained. We could do this. We could grow our own food. Why weren’t we doing this already? Why wasn’t everyone doing this? 

Soon after, came the cows. My brother in law had already put a couple cows on the property so there was not much that needed to be done before we could add a few head of cattle of our own. Next were the chickens. I had had chickens growing up, but I suppose to took them for granted. Then, were the pigs. Surprisingly, we loved having pigs around. They were funny creatures, and nothing went to waste. Nothing. And then there were the goats. My sweet goat girls. Keep in mind, the livestock we added as mentioned above, took us over 2 years to take on and expand. Finally, after 2 years of looking, and things falling through, I found the perfect trio of Nigerian Dwarf goats. A mama goat, with twin doelings that weren’t even 2 weeks old. They were being sold together, which was also perfect because of goats being “herd animals”. They like company, the more the merrier. 

That’s where we are at. The farm won over my heart, and I wouldn’t change a thing.